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Lot 2: Pregnant Recipient: +TJF Mr. Smokin Gun X Miss SRS Polled Katie (P)

High bid
1 year 12 weeks 6 days 9 hours 46 min ago
Lot Information:
+TJF Mr. Smokin Gun X Miss SRS Polled Katie (P)
Sire: +TJF Mr. Smokin Gun #862276
Dam: Miss SRS Polled Katie (P) #927581

One week after purchasing Miss SRS Polled Katie (P) for $44,000 we took her to Trans Ova Genetics and had her aspirated.  Of course, we wanted to use a top sire and selected none other than +TJF Mr. Smokin Gun.  It is our expectation that we should get a red & polled calf.  Katie is a proven producer ranking as the #5 polled cow in the breed for registered offspring and three of her daughters bringing $21,000-$37,000 over the past two years.  Of course, the sire to the resulting calf needs little introduction as he is one of the most successful sires in the breed who has the 2022 International Show Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Females to his credit as well as the 2023 International Champion Red Female which all helped propel his semen value to over $21,000/straw in a recent sale.  Join us in having a calf from this AMAZING mating in May 2024.


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