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Lot 2 - Pregnancy

High bid
13 years 25 weeks 3 days 4 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
Due 2/15/2012
Famous 7001
Dawson Ms Blackbird 129
BW: 4.3 WW: 36 YW: 65 M: 21

Here is a tremendous opportunity for any program.  This pregnancy is a full sibling to Dawson Ms Blackbird who claimed the title of third overall female in the 2008 Beef Congress, as well as Reserve Supreme Female at both the 2009 North American and 2010 National Western Stock Show.  This mating has also produced outstanding bulls such as the Dameron Angus herd sire, Dawson's Determination and the Lot #3 bull in this sale, LMF Notorious 510 who was recently named the Grand Champion Bull at the 2011 Ohio State Fair. The recipient cow is a registered Angus female who has a tremendous track record of weaning off a heavy calf each year and calving unassisted.  She is very docile and broke to lead.  The calf will be due on February 15, 2012.

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