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Lot 2 - Pick of the Heifer Calves - Silva 915/3 x Copperhead 214

High bid
9 years 34 weeks 6 days 17 hours 16 min ago
Lot Information:
Pick of the Heifer Calves - Silva 915/3 x Copperhead 214
Copperhead 214
Silva 915/3
BW: 2 WW: 23 YW: 37 M: 4 Growth $27.40 Carcass 10

Selling Pick of the Embryo heifer calves

Due 8/7/2015

Perfect matching of phenotype and EPDs to produce a heifer with unlimited potential.


WOW! What an opportunity here, not just for show or pasture production but for a powerful prospective foundation donor.


This mating combines “The Dam Effect” in solid EPDs and phenotype of Silva 915/3 with the growth, maternal and carcass qualities of the legendary Copperhead 214.

This mating produces offspring well above the top 1% SGBI EPDs in WW, YW and Carcass wt.  There will be precious few females in the entire breed with this combination of growth and phenotype.


Selling FOB on or about Feb 7, 2016 FOB Corazon-Pitchford Facility, Athens, Texas


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Copperhead 214

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