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Lot 2 - NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x ASM 122L Miss Sarah 701 ET - 4 Embryos

High bid
9 years 9 weeks 6 days 15 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x ASM 122L Miss Sarah 701 ET - 4 Embryos
NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET
ASM 122L Miss Sarah 701 ET
BW: 2.2 WW: 56 YW: 85 M: 32

Final Price is 4 x Bid Price

88x needs no introduction as he is one of the bulls moving the industry in the right direction. With offspring topping sales nationwide. “Sarah” has averaged 25 eggs per flush for us, with grade 1’s averaging 23, this mating is a pure outcross from some of the most prolific genetics in the industry, buy these with full confidence to take your program to the next level.

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