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Lot 2 - Mr SNS Beckham 417/0

High bid
2 years 50 weeks 1 day 15 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr SNS Beckham 417/0
Sire: Mr SNS Flex 279/6
Dam: Miss SNS Nina 911/7
BW: 3.2 WW: 28 YW: 47 MK: 6


If you’re looking for a docile, easy going bull to quickly become part of the family, then put a check mark next to lot 2. Beckham is sired by our Woodson son, Mr SNS Flex 279/6. Flex is making a name in the Brahman breed by producing long, stylish, functional offspring. Beckham’s dam is sired by JDH Mr Manso 49/6, who consistently produced great cattle for Satterfield Ranch as well as JD Hudgins, Inc. Beckham’s granddam, Miss SNS Brinley 657/3, is backed by insane carcass data numbers and she produced the top 2 selling bulls in last years Power by Design bull sale. This bull stands on big feet with great depth, spring of rib, length from nose to tail, and good muscling throughout. Beckham is ready to begin making a difference in your program.

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