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Lot 2 - Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9 x Lady H Logan Manso 793 - 3 Embryos

High bid
10 years 50 weeks 5 days 12 hours 3 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9 x Lady H Logan Manso 793 - 3 Embryos
Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9
Lady H Logan Manso 793

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Lot 2 is one of our freshest matings destined for greatness. The Buckle 111/9 has been a very popular young sire for us with exclusive semen interests sold to the countries of Thailand, Colombia, Paraguay, and Argentina. We selected Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9  for the donor cow Lady H Logan Manso 793. This mating is a simular cross of +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684 with the +Lady H Alexi Manso 790 donor that produced, Lady H Amber Manso 311/2 the 2014 San Antonio Grand Champion female for Kylie Patterson.  Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9 is a +Maddox 684 son and Lady H  Logan Manso 793 is a full sister to + Alexi 790. This breeding combination allows us to line breed +Lady H Leala Manso 243 who is one of our most fertile and best producing donors. Stacking the Great Ones!

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Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9 - Sire of Embryos
Mr. H Buckle Manso 111/9 - Sire of Embryos

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