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Lot 2 - Miss SNS Kinsley 970/8

High bid
6 years 22 weeks 6 days 13 hours 23 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss SNS Kinsley 970/8
JDH Mr Manso 49/6
Miss SNS 462/8
BW: 4.0 WW: 26.9 YW: 41.7 M: 3.2

If you have a place in your heart for long bodied feminine females then this heart throb is going to have you all twisted up inside. Kinsley is a heifer that can make an immediate impact in her new owner’s breeding program. This beauty is sired by our consistent cornerstone herd bull JDH 49/6 who provides massive bone, length, size, razor sharp lines, and a thick hip. Without fail every year the first heifers to sell on our ranch are the beautiful 49 daughters. Kinsley’s dam is the very popular Miss SNS 462/8 donor who has produced numerous successful show heifers as well as our senior herd sire, Mr SNS Lawless 225/4. If you have followed our sales and show string each year than you will recognize this matriarch donor. Miss SNS 462/8 has produced more show females than any other donor on our ranch. Kinsley’s impeccable structure, length, bone, size, and sound feet and legs will put her at the top in a hurry. Reserving the right to (2) IVF Flushes after her the animals show career.

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