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Lot 2 - Miss SNS Espy 933/7

High bid
6 years 49 weeks 1 day 1 hour 56 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss SNS Espy 933/7
Show Prospect
Mr. V8 670/6
Miss SNS 462/8
Satterfield Ranch

Lot 2) Miss SNS Espy 933/7

Volume and power easily sum up the beautiful and flashy V8 670 daughter, Espy. This dark pigmented female possesses great bone, length, spring of rib, soundness, and style. Espy hands down has the most rib shape and volume of any female we have sold our online sales. Even with all the capacity and volume Espy moves around the pen effortlessly on sound and structurally correct feet and legs. Miss SNS Espy 933/7 is sired by the register of renown bull V8 670, owned by Bulls Eye Ranch. Her dam is a top-producing donor and has produced many champions including our senior herd sire, Mr SNS Lawless 225/4. This flashy blue heifer is super gentle and ready to start winning ribbons. Reserving the right to (2) conventional or IVF flushes after animals show career.

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Sire: Mr. V8 670/6

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