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Lot 2 - Miss RB 305/7 "Natasha"

High bid
7 years 31 weeks 4 days 23 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss RB 305/7 "Natasha"
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
JDH Mr Manso 281/4
RB 875/5 Memorable
RB Ranch

A full sister to Lot 1, “Natasha” is sound all around with the conformation to be a great show heifer, with her looks, give 305/7 a little time and she will be turning judges’ heads, her build says it all. Again, her dam is a daughter of Miss RB 699/3, a beautiful donor cow that was the highest selling lot in our 2014 Houston Highlights Sale and her sire is Mr. JDH 281 f, a bull that the fi rst time we used him produced 4 show heifers and a herd bull prospect. The highest and second highest lots of our 2016 Houston Highlights Sale were out of JDH 281, they were sold to our partners and good friends John Henke and Mike England respectively.

RB Ranch is reserving the right to 2 IVF Flushes after 305/7 Show Career

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Sire - JDH Mr Manso 281/4
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Dam - Miss RB 875/5

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