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Lot 2 - Miss Double A 43/1

High bid
8 years 45 weeks 2 days 12 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Double A 43/1
+Mr. CC Casanova 500/0
Miss RB "Emma Prince" 591/2

This heifer is going to be powerful, deep and soggy.  For y'all out there looking for that "ideal cow", here she is.  With all of that power and depth, she brings to you a very feminine look and shows you she still has that style we all look for in females today.  Her dam is the RB "Emma Prince" cow that won the All-American in 2014 for Evan.  She reminds us a lot of her mom at this age!  Her sire, Casanova, has been producing many good heifers that have been showing all over the country and competing well.  She is gentle and would make a great show heifer and breeding piece for someone.  She is the kind you can build a herd around.

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