Looking for that signature JDH cow look? Look no further, JDH Lady Manso 71/1 is one of the longest made, feminine designed females we are offering. Her big level top, massive hip structure combined with all the style you could possible want, is sure to catch someone’s attention in the show ring or the pasture.
JDH Lady Manso 71/1 is sired by the world wide producer of champions, JDH Mr Manso 854/4. Even though 854 passed away at an young age, his progeny continue to impress both us and cattlemen across Latin America year after year. So much so, that JDH Lady Manso 71/1 greatly reminds us of the Sanchez brother’s Veracruz National Champion Female from 2014. 854 puts this incredible stamp on all his females, they are powerful but extremely feminine. Additionally, on the top side of the pedigree you get a JDH/FCC matriarch, JDH Lady Manso 953/3 (a +JDH Sage daughter) that produced champion after champion, including JDH Mr Manso 840, 2014 National Grand Champion. On the bottom side 71/1 is out of JDH Lady Manso 575, a JDH Pecos daughter that goes back to JDH Mr Manso 959/3 who was a cornerstone for us and Sam Duplantis in the mid 2000’s.
Here is your chance to incorporate a JDH Mr Manso 854 daughter into your cow herd, which could potentially be one of the smartest investments in the sale since his genetics are hardly ever offered. The breeding opportunities are endless on this front pasture type female and we think she will receive all kinds of attention in this sale!
FCC reserves 2 aspirations to be collected after 1st calf and at the convenience of the buyer.