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Lot 2 - +LMC LF Ambassador 700/7 - Five Units of Polled Brahman Semen with 5 AI Certs.

High bid
7 years 14 weeks 3 hours 11 min 7 sec ago
Lot Information:
+LMC LF Ambassador 700/7 - Five Units of Polled Brahman Semen with 5 AI Certs.
Registered polled grey brahman
JDH Mr. George Manso
Miss V8 899/4
BW 0.9, YW 6.5, WW 11, MILK 5

Lot 2

Donor - La Muneca - Flores Cattle Co.  

SELLING: Five units of + LMC LF Ambassador semen with 5 AI certificates. Extra certificates will cost $100 each. Selling by the unit x 5 in $10 increments.

100% of the proceeds will go to fund the Junior Programs of the RGV Brahman & F-1 Association that annually awards over $12,000 in scholarships, showmanship, heifer and steer premiums and awards.

We will be celebrating our 11th year this year since we registered our first POLLED Brahman that we bred ourselves. We are excited to see how our efforts and our genetics have been accepted throughout the Brahman World where the demand for good POLLED Brahman genetics is growing daily. We believe in sharing our best so feel free to call me or our sons if you have any questions on this or any of our other lots selling

LMC LF Ambassador is our number one sire and has entered the prestigious ABBA Register of Renown. He is one of only three POLLED sires in the Register of Renown. He is a JD Hudgins x V8 cross that works well on all kinds of cows. He produces polled calves on the majority of horned cows. His calves and grand progeny are averaging 4.21% with their IMF Marbling scores which is way above breed average. Ambassador daughters have some of the best udders we have ever seen in the Brahman Business. They are moderate, fertile, docile, well conformed cattle that are very competitive in the sales and show ring as proven by Winston Walters with his many times champion LMC Polled Spice.

LMC Polled Passion, another Ambasador daughter was Reserve Grand in Houston last year with one of her ET Calves topping the ABBA Sale in Houston this year and another being named Grand Champion bull at the RGV Show.

I wish we had every Ambassador daughter we have raised in our herd. They are the kind that will keep you in the business. We have one F-1 Simbrah Ambassador daughter that raised twin calves that weaned at 1100 lbs. as a first calf heifer in one helluva drought and bred back. Ambassador has sons working all over the Brahman World for many different progressive breeders. We have owned our share of great bulls in several breeds.

Ambassador is one of our best ever and will have his own chapter in the history book as he has raised the bar on the Brahman breed by producing lots of great POLLED cattle that have raised the CONSUMER DEMAND and AWARENESS of the quality of this new generation of POLLED BRAHMANS. Do not miss this lot. Co-owned with Louie Flores.

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