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Lot 2 - Lady H Kelly Manso 209/1

High bid
13 years 17 weeks 5 days 10 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Kelly Manso 209/1
February 22, 2011
Mr. H Vegas Manso 860
Lady H Amira Manso 5/8

Kelly 209/1 is  a beautiful Vegas 860 daughter that is very feminine fronted and moderate in frame size. Kelly is very sound made with a very gentle disposition.The dam of Kelly 209/1, Lady H Amira Manso 5/8, is a first calf heifer with a beautiful udder and teat size with an abundance of milk. The 5/8 cow did a terrific job raising  Kelly 209/1 even during these drought conditions in Texas. You'll be proud to own this one. At Heritage fertility and milking ability are " bred in" our females.

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