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Lot 2 - Lady H Kassidy Manso 137/0

High bid
13 years 32 weeks 4 days 17 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Kassidy Manso 137/0
April 26, 2010
+ BNA Deacon Manso 253/0
Lady H Principe Sweet Manso 757

    Smooth, Long, and Feminine best describes Kassidy. Sired by Bar Nel's, Deacon
253/0 bull that has worked successfully for us time after time. The mother of Kassidy,
757, is a former show cow for us that we own with Carlos Lee of Panama. 757, is a full
sister to our Herd Sire, Mr. H Cavalier Manso 700. 757 has produced many outstanding calves including the National Junior Heifer of Panama.
Sells with 2 Straws Mr. H Morton Manso 964/7

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