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Lot 2 - K-One Lady Maternal 21CES ET

High bid
7 years 20 weeks 3 days 1 hour 33 min ago
Lot Information:
K-One Lady Maternal 21CES ET
CMR GVP MR Maternal 156T
CES JULIA 4009 E195
BW :3.8 WW: 57 YW: 82 MM: 28 MG: 57

Like Lot 1, her full sister, K21 will be a tremendous female down the road. these are the type females that will have impact down the road. The maternal strength they carry is something that can change the a cow herd. 4009 has been a breed changer for years, and the semen on him is basically gone. Grab these genetics up when you can, there won't be many more chances. When reinforced with P606, you just can't go wrong.

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