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Lot 2 - JTB PIEDMONT 1168-1751-8

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 5 days 6 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
JTB PIEDMONT 1168-1751-8
JTB CICERO 656-1168/3
JT Brahmans

Lot 2 JTB PIEDMONT 1168-1751-8 – Highest Scrotal Index of the Test 


If you need to add early maturity and fertility to your herd 1751 is a bull worthy of consideration.  The most impressive aspect of this young black Brahman bull is his ability to satisfactorily pass a breeding soundness exam at just shy of 15 monthsBacking that with numbers you will find he was the highest indexing yearling Adj. scrotal of the bulls on test.  He was average or better in the test on Rib Fat as well as ribeye per 100lbs. both indicators of muscle and red meat yield.  E.P.D.wise you will find 1751 in the top 9% for retail product and top 2 % of the breed for marbling.  His sire JTB CICERO 656-1168/3 is a top Liberty X Marri bred bull that has excelled for us in producing extremely heavy muscled high IMF cattle lines.  1751s dam is the Matilda 522 female that has consistently provided us with beautiful dark pigmented gentle calves.  Currently a maternal sister to 1751, JTB SARAJESSICA PARKER 656-1218/3 is a top donor female in our program known for producing quality.  You will find a daughter of hers selling as bred as lot 21. Use 1751 to add pigment, docility, and fertility into your replacement females. Consigned by JT Brahmans 936-870-8439


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