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Lot 2 - JDH Lady Manso 34/1 - Bred Cow

High bid
4 years 24 weeks 3 days 13 hours 36 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 34/1 - Bred Cow
JDH Mr. Manso 638
JDH Lady Manso 756/4
J.D. Hudgins - Forgason Cattle Company


JDH Lady Manso 34/1 was handpicked for this sale from the mature cow herd at the Forgason Cattle Company Division of J.D. Hudgins, Inc.  This 6-year-old cow was selected due to her fertility, practical build, pedigree, performance, and pregnancy status.  JDH Lady Manso 34/1 is a daughter of +JDH Mr. Manso 638 “Sir Richard” who was a consistent division winner on the J.D. Hudgins Show String and as a result of his success as an award winning sire entered the Register of Renown.  The dam to 34/1 is a regular calving donor for the Forgason Cattle Company Division who has produced 2 daughters that were retained in the herd and two offspring that were exported to Thailand and Mexico.  JDH Lady Manso 756/4 is sired by Mr. BO Dimayro Manso 818 who was a many time show winner, was used by the Forgason Family as an outcross sire, and the sire of JDH Mr. Manso 579/4.  The bottom side of 756/4’s pedigree is one of the most maternal in the breed that consists of JDH Lady Manso 300/2 who produced 66 progeny, the International Champion and Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Copano Manso, and the matriarch and Maternal Merit Dam =JDH Lady Swatter Manso who produced 42 progeny.  It is safe to say that this pedigree is hard to match but equally as important it is open to be crossed with many of today’s popular sires.  As you might expect with such a proven pedigree JDH Lady Manso 34/1 ranks in the top 1% of the breed for Milk EPD, calved at 31 months of age and on a regular basis afterwards, and has produced a herd sire retained by J.D. Hudgins-Forgason Cattle Company.  To complete this package, this proven cow is bred 7 months to JDH Ambush Manso 455/7 #965515, a top son of JDH Jene Manso.

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Sire: +JDH Mr. Manso 638 “Sir Richard”
Sire: +JDH Mr. Manso 638 “Sir Richard”
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Son: JDH Mr. Manso 400/1
Son: JDH Mr. Manso 400/1
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Service Sire: JDH Ambush Manso 455/7
Service Sire: JDH Ambush Manso 455/7

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