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Lot 2 - J7N Elegance E44

High bid
6 years 46 weeks 6 days 5 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Elegance E44
J7N Whiskey River W02
LMC BETM Walflower 5W/300
CE -1.2; BW 4.9; WW 60.8; YW 87.4; API 72.3; TI 51.9

J7N Elegance E44

DOB: 11/6/2017

ASA # 3348185

J7N Whiskey River X LMC BETM Walflower

Polled Purebred Simbrah Show Prospect / Donor

Our commitment is to bring the best cattle available in our offering s and this is the best show heifer prospect for the upcoming show season and boy is J7N Elegance a good one!! We have had our share of excellent show cattle, to include the 2010 National Champion and Rese rve Champion bulls both out of our M9 donor and in our opinion, she is one of the best heifer we hav e raised. J7N Elegance is truly balanced with boldness as expressed in her thickness, strong top and muscling but yet she shows her eye appealing femininity as expressed by a great front-end making for a great show h eifer prospect.

J7N Elegance ’ s dam is the great LMC BETM Walflower cow that we purchased from our good fri ends Carlos Guerra and Dr Ernie Guerra at one of the Synergy sales. At the time, we sim ply fell in love with this young heifer and now she has turned out to be a GREAT COW in our c attle operation. Among the Walflower progeny are J7N Yours Truly, a full sister to Elegance that sold in MAS VII to Ronnie Smith for $10,000 and J7N LMC Adelante (Hagans Ante Up) a herdsire that we own with La Muneca. On top of Walflower producing fabulous calves, she comes from a very fertile cow family. Walflower ’ s maternal grand-dam, LMC Titan Muneca 5H/144, produced 72 embryos on her first flush and averaged 43 embryos on her first four flushes.

J7N Elegance is sired by our very own J7N Whiskey River, the 2010 Reserve Nati onal Champion bull out of our premier donor, LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9. Here is your chance to purchase the much sough t after M9 genetics, which have exceled in both the sale ring and the show ring . Whiskey River is a maternal brother to the famous LMC Oprah (5M9 daughter) which created LMC Di va and Diva created Dream Girl. Genetically, it doesn ’ t get much better!! The M9 cow family has proven to be one of the most profitable cow families in the breed.

If you are looking for an immediate show contender, this baby doll is you r type of calf.

J7N Elegance is eligible to show at the Simbrah / Simmental Superbowl and al l MAS events. Two units semen from any of La Morra ’ s bulls will be made available for use on this heifer. La Morra Ranch is retaining an IVF Aspiration to collect a minimum of 6 transferable embryos. Collection will be t he owner ’ s convenience and seller ’ s expense.

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Dam – LMC BETM Walflower
Dam – LMC BETM Walflower
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Maternal sib – J7N LMC Adelante
Maternal sib – J7N LMC Adelante
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Full sib – J7N Yours Truly
Full sib   –   J7N Yours Truly

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