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Lot 2: Female Sexed Pregnant Recipient: JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7 X +JDH Lady Calver Manso

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2 years 11 weeks 5 days 24 min 12 sec ago
Lot Information:
Female Sexed Pregnant Recipient: JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7 X +JDH Lady Calver Manso
Sire: JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7 #1004820
Dam: +JDH Lady Calver Manso #835501

This female sexed pregnant recipient that is due the first part of February 2023 combines the 2022 International Champion Grey Bull with a proven Register of Renown Cow!

We thought this mating was one of the best possible combinations both genotypically and phenotypically. +JDH Lady Calver is a beautifully designed larger framed cow that is backed by the former show bull and J.D. Hudgins herd sire JDH Mr. Dwayne Manso and a cow that is the result of a Vanguard Sire and Register of Renown Cow.  To compliment this we crossed Lady Calver with JDH Rafiki Manso who is moderate framed, heavy structured, huge middled, and big butted.  Rafiki is a complete outcross to Lady Calver but still makes the resulting calf’s pedigree 100% J.D. Hudgins.  Rafiki is sired by JDH Jene Manso a proven sire with 281 registered progeny to include JDH Massai Manso, JDH Turkana Manso, and JDH Sir Zadig Manso 918/6 just to name a few.  The dam to Rafiki is a proven donor who calved naturally before her 3rd birthday and each year afterwards even while being aspirated, produced 15 offspring to include JDH London Manso who is a J.D. Hudgins herd sire (full brother to Rafiki), and results from two performance-oriented parents to include JDH Mr. Manso 323/2 and a Maternal Merit Cow.

We look forward to the results of this mating and hope that you will join us in adding it to your program.  The work is done!


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+JDH Lady Calver Manso
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