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Lot 2 - Eagle Maid 213

High bid
11 years 27 weeks 17 hours 16 min 20 sec ago
Lot Information:
Eagle Maid 213
BC Eagle Eye 110-7
Prosperity Maid 1606
AAA 17534722
BW: +3.4, WW: +49, YW: +88, Milk: +19

Here is an outstanding opportunity to own a female that will not only compete in the show ring, but will also excel in the pasture.  Eagle Maid 213 offers a rare combination of a big hip and long, slender neck.  This upheaded show heifer prospect is also extremely docile, big bodied and sound.  She is the natural calf of our donor cow, Prosperity Maid 1606 who is also the dam of our well know Banjo daughter who was the popular Grand Champion Female of the 2009 Southern Indiana Angus Show.  The only reason we can afford to sell her is that we are retaining her dam as well as two maternal sisters.  Miller Family Angus reserves the right to one future flush on this female at the seller’s expense and the buyer’s convenience.

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Lot 2 – Eagle Maid 213 was Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion of the 2013 Indiana State Fair Open Angus Show
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Maternal sister to lot 2, Grand Champion female of the 2009 Southern Indiana Angus Show
Maternal sister to lot 2, Grand Champion female of the 2009 Southern Indiana Angus Show
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BC Eagle Eye, Sire of lot 2

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