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Lot 2 - CT Ms. Southern Polled 40/1 (P) - Show Prospect

High bid
3 years 5 weeks 6 hours 40 min 3 sec ago
Lot Information:
CT Ms. Southern Polled 40/1 (P)
Sire: Southern Mr. 23/17 (P) #972719
Dam: SRS Miss 429/8 (P) #977602
Show Prospect
BW:3.4 WW:27 YW:50 Milk:4.5
Circle T Cattle Company

WOW is about all that you can say about this outstanding opportunity! A POLLED RED BRAHMAN FEMALE FROM CIRCLE T CATTLE COMPANY THAT IS BACKED BY A PROVEN PEDIGREE.


CT Ms. Southern Polled 40/1 is a June 25, 2021 born female. Her pedigree consists of Mr. V8 135/7 "The Butler", a proven donor for Southern Cattle Company that produced a top seller in their online sale, +Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble", and a flushmate to Miss V8 510/6 (the dam to the National Champion 100/7 and proven herd sires 279/7 & 794/7). The students of the breed will realize that the legendary +Miss V8 98/6 is included 3 times in this pedigree!


This female has been started in the halter breaking process if the new buyer has an interest in showing.  The real value in this heifer is her being polled, dark cherry red, and backed by some of the most popular but outcross genetics in the breed.

Don’t miss this investment opportunity!

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