Box R Cattle always brings the sale favorites and we think consigned their best two heifers EVER to this sale! Box R Ms. CC 160/8 is a daughter of JDH Sir Leon Manso 776/6 who has simply WOWED the Brahman breed with the success of his progeny. Leon’s progeny kicked off the Fall 2019 Show Season picking up a Champion Get of Sire win at the Kick Off Classic and then at each show since have consistently topped their class and in most cases been division and Grand or Reserve Champion. JDH Sir Leon 776/6 is a son of JDH Hawk Manso 666/5 the 2009 International & Reserve National Champion that was used successfully by the J.D. Hudgins – J. Forgason Division. The dam to 160/8 combines the proven genetics of JCH Astronomical who produced numerous winners for the Tesch Family and Reese Ranch with Miss V8 911/4 who is a cross of +Mr. V8 700/3 and the great +Claydesta 807U5 who was one of V8 Ranch’s top money earners for along time. It should also be noted that 160/8 is backed by ¾ of the same genetics as the high selling heifer in the 4T & Caney Creek Family Traditions Sale that sold to Jaylee Rushing for $12,400 and has been shown successfully. Don’t miss on the opportunity to purchase an outstanding heifer that is backed by some of the most popular and proven genetics in the breed!