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Lot 2 - 3/4 Simmental Heifer

High bid
13 years 46 weeks 5 days 6 hours 45 min ago
Lot Information:
3/4 Simmental
Ebonys Trademark
Golden Child

Hard to find high percentage Simmes with this kind of look and build, and even harder to raise them! In fact, she double registers as a Chi. How many Simmes can cross over into another breed and still run with them? This female is solid from the ground up and has unlimited potential as a breeding piece and show heifer. The Trademarks have made excellent cows and producers and the added power and hair-quality from her dams side is sure to be an added bonus. Remember in most states, the 3/4 Simmes get to show with the purebreds in the Jr show, and if your state doesnt accept 3/4 bloods, dont worry, shes good enough to be a Chi! Consigned by Martin livestock

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