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Lot 1D - Silva's Game Changer KR 3/19 - 20 Straws

High bid
4 years 34 weeks 5 days 12 hours 31 min ago
Lot Information:
Silva's Game Changer KR 3/19
KR Catalyst 531/15 20153484
KR 2/17 20172929
BW: 1.1 WW: 25 YW: 90 M: 22

Footnote: Silva’s Game Changer KR 3/19 the highest scanning IMF bull of the breed, scanning a phenomenal 8.30

Silva’s Game Changer can change your herd’s marbling game in one generation.


Final Bid Price = Bid Price x 20

Offering 8 semen packages of 20 units per package, bid is X 20

No other semen will be sold for 2 years
Buyers have option to buy another 20 units at 50% of original purchase price the first year and another 20 units at 25% of original purchase price second year, AI and ET certificates provided at cost to original buyer


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