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Lot 1A - Pick of the Heifer Calves - Miss Grandview 748 x Co-op 3/9

High bid
9 years 34 weeks 3 days 13 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
Pick of the Heifer Calves - Miss Grandview 748 x Co-op 3/9
Co-op 3/9
Miss Grandview 748
BW: 1 WW: 16 YW: 22 M: -2 Growth $21.53 Carcass 10

Selling Pick of the Embryo heifer calves

Due 9/11/2015

Perfect matching of phenotype and EPDs to produce a heifer with unlimited potential.


The”Dam Effect”:  Miss Grandviw 748 is our most productive donor cow.  Purchased at the 2014 Alabama Connection sale, she is the donor dam of 29 safe-in-calf pregnancies from 7 IVF aspirations that are scheduled for birth in 2015, and is heavy bred to the Pusher bull.  Her 2012 heifer calf by Pusher, Grandview Annie, shown by Patrick Daniel, was the National Grand Champion Female and Best of Polled Female at the 2015 National Show in Jackson and was the SGBI Overall High Point Female and High Point Polled Female for 2014-2015; the Grand Champion Cow-Calf and Grand Champion Polled Cow at the 2014 NJSG Heifer Show at Wichita Falls, Texas; and the Champion Junior Calf Female at the 2013 NJSG Heifer Show in San Marcos.  This success won Miss Grandview 748 SGBI “Dam of the Year” Honors for 2014-15. How ‘bout THAT?


We have matched her with the smooth polled Co-op 3/9 bull we co-own with Bill Barrett.  He was the 2012 National Polled Champion Bull and brings phenotype and EPDs to this mating.  We have sold a fair amount of semen from this bull, including a shipment to Australia.

Selling FOB on or about March 11, 2016 FOB Corazon-Pitchford Facility, Athens, Texas


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