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Lot 19 - Mr. V8 279/7 x Miss HMC Polled 29/1 (P) - 3 Female Sexed Embryo Package

High bid
4 years 17 weeks 16 hours 9 min 45 sec ago
Lot Information:
3 Female Sexed Embryo Package
Sire: Mr. V8 279/7 #910241
Dam: Miss HMC Polled 29/1 (P) #976232
3 Female Sexed Embryos
BW:2.4 WW:16.5 YW:31.5 M:8.0
Consigned by: HM Cattle Co.

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Selling: Package of 3 female sexed embryos made Direct Transfer by Trans Ova Genetics.  Seller will guarantee One (1) 90-day pregnancy, if transferred by an embryologist from ST Genetics or Trans Ova.  If no pregnancy is conformed at 90 days one additional and final embryo will be released to the buyer free of charge.

This is the first time that these genetics have ever been offered on our most powerful bred & owned donor, Miss HMC Polled 29/1 (P).  This is what we have worked so hard to produce, and we feel 29/1 is the perfect representation of our program.  She is DOUBLE POLLED, extremely soggy built, heavy boned, performance driven and has the pedigree to back it up.  At 10 months of age she weighed 955 lbs., outweighing her parameters by 30 lbs. for weights and measures in her class at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.  When you breed for performance this is what you expect!

We have our first calves on the ground and are very impressed with their phenotype, growth, and correctness!  The sire that we chose for this mating needs no introduction, +Mr. V8 279/7 (P) had been our “go to” sire for our embryo transfer program.  Besides having a phenomenal pedigree (Elmo x Miss V8 510/6), his calves have made their way into our donor pen and show string being they are low birth weight, very sound, and phenotypically flawless.

Other Lot Images
Sire of embryos: +Mr. V8 279/7
Sire of embryos: +Mr. V8 279/7
Other Lot Images
First calf off of Miss HMC Polled 29/1
First calf off of Miss HMC Polled 29/1

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