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Lot 19 - Miss V8 545/6 IVF Aspiration

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 23 hours 22 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 545/6
Mr V8 736/5
Miss DR Manso 601
Select Opportunity-
Unique,outcross and proven producer across multiple sires-
All very difficult accomplishments in the Brahman breed.
Lot 19 is the mother of the Dream Team lot that topped the
2019 Houston International Sale at $19,500 and $20,000.
545/6 is a paternal sister to Noble's mother - Rare Find.
She is one of the most extended and elite fronted females
in any breed - and she passes this on, consistently.
545/6 offers beautiful pigment and exceptional sound structure.
She is a Gem.
PCC guarantees 6 transferable embryo production.
Other Lot Images
Offspring of 545/6
Offspring of 545/6
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Offspring of 545/6
Offspring of 545/6

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