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Lot 19 - LMC Dos Equis Breeding Share

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 days 23 hours 32 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Dos Equis 5A/181
LMC 6G Red Rock 5Y/203
4.4, 60.6, 80.3, 20.0

Final Price is 10 x Bid Price

SELLING :  Ten units of semen on LMC Dos Equis - the most interesting bull in the world !!!

LMC Dos Equis is an exciting new junior herd sire at HB Giraults Simbrah and La Muneca. He is sired by the 2012 International Champion LMC 6G Red Rock who just recently sold to Josh Harris and Lincoln Lecompte.  We plan to replace Red Rock with Dos Equis. Red Rock is sired by the San Antonio Champion LMC HS Rocco and the famous and popular LMC WFC Dream Girl who won it all for Jordan Grahmann. She was National and International Champion. She won the Super Bowl, the prestigious Houston Jr. Show and the $10,000 at the very generous San Antonio Jr. Show. Her calves are averaging over $14,000.

His dam is sired by the immortal LMC EF JW Black, the sire of many champions and the best choice to produce those majic front ends with lots of guts, tight underlines and  big butts like Dos Equis has. His semen sells for $1,500 per unit. Her dam was sired by the Simbrah Sensation Champion LMC Gladiator known for producing moderate, good milking functional cattle.

The secret to our success through the years has been the bull power that we have used and produced. If you use the right bulls and stack the great ones in the pedigrees their daughters will do their share of the work. Dos Equis has that power, is fault free and offers all of the pieces to be a BREED IMPROVER supported by a great pedigree full of production, power and profit. Check out his bone to sheath ratio.

The buyer will get the first ten units collected. He is at Brushy Creek now.

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