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Lot 19 - HH Advance 4075B ET x Churchill Lady 284Z ET - 3 IVF Embryos

High bid
8 years 42 weeks 2 days 28 min 20 sec ago
Lot Information:
HH Advance 4075B ET x Churchill Lady 284Z ET - 3 IVF Embryos
HH Advance 4075B ET
Churchill Lady 284Z ET
Bw 1.3 WW 53 YW 81 MM 30 REA .28 Marb .50

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

We are starting our horned embryos with three of the best that you can imagine!  284 is as unique a horned cow as we have with a negative birth weight and extremely high marb and a ton of rib and easy fleshing ability and a gorgeous udder.
The 4075 bull topped the Holden sale last year at $240,000 and his semen is very hard to find.  This is an ideal mating!


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