Consigner: Sartwelle Brahman Ranch
Outstanding Golden Certified F1 Braford female straight from the Sartwelle Brahman Ranch! ABBA President Bubba Sartwelle and wife Suggie have been committed to the youth of this organization for decades. This F1 donation is reflection of the dedication the Sartwelle’s have for Brahman youth and The Foundation commends the Sartwelle’s on their constant effort in seeing the success of The Brahman Foundation prosper.
The female offered is coming two year old F1 Brahman X Herford cross. This golden certified female is out of SBR 306/6, a multi generation Imperator bred female. The F1 heifer is flawless in design, stands on excellent bone and will be the “right kind” for her future owner!
Thank you Sartwelle Brahman Ranch!