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Lot 19 - BCC Boomerang - 5 units of Semen

High bid
5 years 26 weeks 2 days 5 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Boomerang
PVF-BF Black Joker
SCC Queen Anne K121
BW: 3.4; WW: 64; YW: 94.5; API: 90.9; TI:56.4

Final Price is 5  x Bid Price

I purchased BCC Boomerang came from Baring Cattle Company and partnered up with Freasier Ranch. I have to say that Boomerang was the most successful bull we used at La Morra Ranch.  We kept many, many of his heifers and it got to the point that we had to sell him, only because it became a management issue.  This herdsire produced some outstanding heifer and champions in the show ring.  At La Morra Ranch, he produced 3 of our donors (J7N Excellencia, J7N Wildflower and J7N Mixtli) as well as other top producers.  Truly a perfect herdsire as far as producing good, quality calves. 

Boomerang is a Black Joker son and his dam was the champion Queen Ann cow that was campaigned by Ann Baring. 

Semen is stored at Elgin Breeding Service in Elgin, TX.

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