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Lot 19 - Ankony Ms Dominet 8063 103S x H BK CCC SR Game Changer ET - 3 Embryos

High bid
10 years 47 weeks 3 days 6 hours 26 min ago
Lot Information:
Ankony Ms Dominet 8063 103S x H BK CCC SR Game Changer ET - 3 Embryos
H BK CCC SR Game Changer ET
Ankony Ms Dominet 8063 103S

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Consigned by: Josh Taylor

Here is one of the more intriguing lots in the sale.  103S was the high selling cow at the Moss Dispersal.  She is an Online out of the immortal 8063 cow.  103S is moderate framed, massive ribbed, long spined and goose fronted.  She has a long, square hip and is ultra feminine.  Game Changer was the $105,000 high selling bull in the Hoffman Bull Sale last spring.  He is a Redeem out of the power donor 51W.  51W was Jr National, Reno and American Royal Grand Champion Female.  These calves should exhibit the thickness, mass and dimension needed to succeed.  Bid with confidence.  Contact consignor for shipping instructions.  Buyer responsible for shipping costs.  Josh Taylor, 918.605.5139

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