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"Lot 19 - 2 Straws of Semen - Mr. SG 111/1 ""Jack"" - 2 Straws of Semen"

High bid
4 years 5 weeks 4 days 10 hours 8 min ago
Lot Information:
"2 Straws of Semen - Mr. SG 111/1 ""Jack"""
Sire: +SRS Mr. Captain Red Legs 834
Dam: Miss V8 210/7
Donor: Becker Livestock Services

Final Price is 2 x Bid Price

Selling: Two units of semen with 5 AI Certificates.  Additional certificates can be purchased for $100/certificate.

Mr. SG 111/1 “Jack” was one of the winningest bulls of his time being named 2013 Reserve National Champion and 2014 International Champion resulting in him being named the ABBA Red Show Bull of the Year.  Not only was Jack a winner but has transmitted his ideal phenotype into his offspring reaching the Register of Renown with his first calf crop.  In addition to siring winners this proven sire has an outcross pedigree to many of today’s popular bloodlines.  Making this sire even more valuable is his performance profile that charts positive for 12 traits!  If you are looking for a proven sire that combines it all and can take your program to the next level take advantage of this opportunity.

Thank you to Becker Livestock Services for this outstanding donation!


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