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Lot 18 - Royal Maid 1212

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 2 days 7 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
Royal Maid 1212
S A V Royalty 8471
Marathon Maid 909

Now here is a heifer that any cattleman will appreciate.  She has a super sweet disposition and all kinds of brood cow power wrapped up into an attractive and eye appealing package.  She has already had some success in the show ring as she was a class winner at the 2012 Ohio State Fair Open Show.  Her maternal sister was also the Supreme Champion Heifer at the 2012 Delaware County Fair.  When you combine her powerful phenotype with growth EPD’s of WW +60 and YW +105, you can be confident that she is one that will please you more and more each day.

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