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Lot 18 - Mr. V8 915/5 Semen

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 4 days 3 hours 38 sec ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 915/5
+Mr. V8 287/5
+JDH Rodea Manso
BW;5.5 WW:31.4 YW:41.3 M:8

Purchas Price = 5 times Final Bid Price

Mr. V8 915/5 is a picture perfect American Brahman bull. He exemplifies masculinity, breed character, muscle and performance.  This bull, also deceased, is a bull that has been completely off the market for the past 5 years, because we had less than 10 units of semen available on the bull.  He is a bull that every semen buyer asks about, but unfortunately the semen was so rare, we would never sell it. A few weeks ago, Luann found a stash of semen on the bull that offered us not a lot, but a few more units of semen on the bull. 

When you look at 915/5, you can’t help but be amazed by the sheer power and muscle of this bull. This is what Brahman bulls are all about. Extremely thick, heavy muscled, big boned, thick topped, masculine, huge hump, and great pigment. He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for both weaning weight and yearling weight.

915 is a leading Superstroke son and full brother to the National Champion Mr. V8 924/5. This pedigree boasts Superstroke on the top side with a Register of Renown JDH Karu daughter on the bottom side. Mr. V8 915/5 was shown once at the 2003 National Show in Gonzales, LA, under Judge Alex Dees, where he was 1st in class and his flush mate Mr. V8  924/5 was 2nd. Later that afternoon, the full brothers won the National Champion ET Produce of Dam. 915/5 injured his right knee on the way to the 2003 Dallas show later that fall and was never shown again.  Ironically, Mr. V8 924/6 went on to become a National Champion. However, we kept him at the ranch for our own breeding, and we love the muscle, thickness, and look that this bull carries. Again, the extremely limited quantities are why we are only offering 5 units on this bull and will not be able to double and take 10.


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