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Lot 18 - Moreno Ms. Lady Ranger - Replacement Heifer

High bid
2 years 14 weeks 4 hours 38 min 20 sec ago
Lot Information:
Moreno Ms. Lady Ranger
Sire: Moreno Mr. Ronco
Dam: Moreno Ms. Lady Reba Victoria
Consignor: Money Maker Ranch Brahmans
Replacement Heifer

Moreno Ms. Lady Ranger is a heavy structured, deep ribbed, long bodied, and feminine red female.  Not only is this 16 month old female built well and gentle but she is backed by some of the most proven genetics in the breed.  The sire to Lady Ranger is Moreno Mr. Ronco who was a former show bull with a Division title at the National Show and an International Show Class win.  Ronco is sired by the Reserve International Champion +JDH Astro Manso and out of the International Champion and proven donor +LB Lady Violet Manso.  The dam to Lady Ranger combines the #1 Register of Renown Sire in the breed +Mr. V8 380/6 with the National Champion +Moreno Ms. Lady Reba.  You simply cannot script a better pedigree!


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