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Lot 18 - LMC Sheeza Beauty

High bid
7 years 42 weeks 4 days 18 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Sheeza Beauty
Polled Purebred Simbrah Heifer
LMC 6G Red Rock 5Y/203
RGV LMC Dr. Beauty X076
La Muneca


Polled Purebred Simbrah Heifer

ASA# Pending


Sire: LMC 6G Red Rock 5Y/203

Dam: RGV LMC Dr. Beauty X076

Consigned by La Muneca Cattle Company

Parting with this striking female was not an easy decision, however we are committed to sharing our very best and that is what she represents.  Sheeza Beauty is a full sister to the Israel Sanchez Family’s many times champion including Grand Champion Simbrah at the STAR, 2016 RGVLS Junior and Open Shows and now donor, LMC RGV CTCF Blossom.  However, Sheeza Beauty is unique in her own right as she is one of the most feminine fronted females we have ever produced that ties into plenty of capacity and style as you move to her rear 1/3.  This female has all the promise her sisters did and then some. 

Sheeza Beauty’s dam, RGV LMC Dr. Beauty was a female that caught our eye from the get go.  This LMC ATZ Dr. Feel Good daughter was a many times champion for the Chappell Family, who has gone on to make a productive donor.  Her dam ZZ Crimson Beauty is a gorgeous, RX Texas Sixty daughter bred by Filegonia Cattle Company and has been a feature female in the RGV Cattle Company herd.  A maternal sister to Sheeza Beauty was recently selected the 2017 National Champion Percentage Female for Madison Culpepper, while a full sister was Reserve Champion Simbrah Female at the South Texas Ag Roundup and Rio Grande Valley Livestock Junior Show for Diana Garcia.  Thus, these Dr. Beauty daughters have had much success since they hit the scene. 

Sheeza Beauty is sired by the 2012 International Champion Bull, LMC 6G Red Rock (lot 25).  This LMC HS Rocco son is built a lot like his paternal grandsire the legendary LMC EF JW Black, long fronted and thick ended.  We believe Red Rock’s dam is the best Simbrah female ever produced, LMC WFC Ms. Dream Girl.  She is no longer with us, however in her brief time Dream Girl produced her share of champions and top sellers.  Now, her progeny are carrying on her success, siring the likes of Sheeza Beauty and so many other great cattle.  Sheeza Beauty is also a paternal sister to our young, champion herd sire LMC Dos XX and a few young Red Rock females that we have in our herd.

Sheeza Beauty has a quiet disposition and is eligible for the La Muneca Junior Program benefits, which include several added premium shows such as the Simbrah/Simmental Superbowl, MAS, LMC Futurity, LMC Jackpot and LMC $ellabration.  LMC Juniors also receive 2 units of semen on any of our available bulls per year to AI her to in an effort to breed the very best themselves.  Sheeza Beauty should make a good buy at any price and work for juniors of all ages.  Once you slip the show halter off this one, she should make you a productive mama cow as well.

La Muneca is reserving the right to one flush or ½ of two flushes with a guarantee of 5 Grade A embryos and 2 pregnancies with the work to be done by a certified embryologist.  Otherwise, we’re selling full interest and full possession in LMC Sheeza Beauty.  

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Full sister - "Blossom" won many a show for Makayla Sanchez including STAR, RGV Open & Jr. Shows.
Full sister - "Blossom" won many a show for Makayla Sanchez including STAR, RGV Open & Jr. Shows.
Other Lot Images
Paternal Grand Sire - LMC EF JW Black who is one of the all time great % Simbrah bulls.
Paternal Grand Sire - LMC EF JW Black who is one of the all time great % Simbrah bulls.

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