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Lot 18 - L Bar 5502 - 2 Units of Semen

High bid
5 years 48 weeks 4 days 18 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
L Bar 5502 - 2 Units of Semen
CED: 0.6 BW: 2 WW: 45 YW: 68 MILK: -7 MCE: 1.4 MWWT: 16 SC: 1.1 REA: 0.58 FAT: -0.04 MARB: -0.02 $T: $119 $M $13

Final Price is 2 x Bid Price

Probably the single most influential bull to come out of the L Bar herd, L Bar 5502 has done it all. He’s both a Pacesetter and Typesetter award winner, with over 1400 recorded progeny. He has raised many transcendent sons like L Bar 3100 and L Bar 0324. He is in the top 3% of the breed for weaning, yearling, scrotal and $T.  5502 stamps them with muscle and quality like no other!


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