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Lot 18- JDH Mr Manso 854/4 x Miss V8 326/7 - 3 Sexed female embryos

High bid
8 years 17 weeks 4 days 12 hours 46 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Mr Manso 854/4 x Miss V8 326/7 - 3 Sexed female embryos
JDH Mr Manso 854/4
Miss V8 326/7

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Selling 3 grade A sexed frozen embryos collected by Trans Ova Genetics. 

These embryos will be sired by the leading herd sire for JD Hudgins-Forgason Division JDH Mr. Manso 854/4 an Atlas son out of a Sage cow.  The dam is the great V8 326/7 cow who is a daughter of Karu 800 and out of a V8 287/5 Superstroke daughter.  Genetically this cow is a full sister to the famous +Miss V8 137/7 “Diva” cow.  To see this cow progeny look at lots 4-8 to see the quality this female can produce.  Invest in a frozen champion and something you can put your own brand on.

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Sire - JDH Mr Manso 854/4

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