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2 years 12 weeks 5 days 3 hours 37 min ago
Lot Information:
Guided South Texas Nilgai Hunt
Donor: La Muneca Ranches LLC
Benefits: The Brahman Foundation

Selling a Guided Nilgai Hunt on San Antonia Ranch in Linn, Texas


Donated by La Muneca Ranches, LLC


100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Brahman Foundation


This is a two-day guided hunt with a Chorizo de San Manuel steak dinner and an overnight stay at our San Antonia Camp. The ranch is named after our great grandmother Antonia who came from Mier, Mexico in 1873 as a widow with her three children. She registered our La Muneca brand soon after and as they say, the rest is history.


Our ole buddy Nick Philipello from Circle P Feed & Supply in Bryan, Texas purchased last year’s hunt and enjoyed it this past Spring where he harvested an impressive bull. We appreciate all that the Philipello’s do to support the youth. Nilgai are lean, tasty and do not have a gamy taste. PHENOMENAL EXPERIENCE and WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS or BIRTHDAY GIFT!


Our shooting range is available. A poker table is also available along with some great fire side camaraderie plus you can visit our La Muneca Ranch and see our registered Brahman and Simbrah cattle if interested during the non-hunting hours. This will be a fun hunt guided by a member of the Guerra family.


Other Lot Images
Reagan Goudeau with her Trophy Nilgai
Reagan Goudeau with her Trophy Nilgai

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