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Lot 18 - GS Mr Morton Emp 446

High bid
7 years 45 weeks 4 days 8 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
GS Mr Morton Emp 446
Herd sire prospect
Mr 4C Morton Cain
GS Empress Didor 347
L2 Ranch

-GS 446

Here is another Lot from the Gray Shadow herd. This bull calf is very attractive in his design, heavy in his bone structure, stands on a great set of feet and legs, and looks like a Brahman bull. He is sired by the 4C Morton Cain bull an own son of Mr H Morton Manso 964/7 and out of the National Champion Lady H Mae Manso 66/9. His dam is own daughter of –GS 135 and out of the great 96 donor. –GS 135 has sired numerous champions including producing 6 ABBA Show of the Year females and 2 International Champion Females. This bull would be a great addition to any herd. He will not disappoint you.

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