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Lot 18 - 3 FEMALE SEXED EMBRYOS: CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux 1/7 X Lady H Mandy Rojo 583/4

High bid
1 year 7 weeks 1 day 12 hours 37 min ago
Lot Information:
3 FEMALE SEXED EMBRYOS: CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux 1/7 X Lady H Mandy Rojo 583/4
Sire: CT MR. ELMEAUX RHINEAUX 1/7 #961260
Dam: LADY H MANDY ROJO 583/4 #926912

Purchase Price = 3 x Bid 


Lady H Mandy Rojo 583/4 was a successful show heifer winning numerous championships including a win at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Junior Heifer Show.  Following her show career this elite female has become a proven dam with superior offspring including the many time winner Lady H Willa Rojo 243/8 of Redsmith Genetics.  Mandy Rojo is sired by the breed icon +Mr. Winchester Magnum 999 and out of a donor owned by ST Genetics. 

Many good cowmen will analyze this package but for those that need input it would be expected that the deep bodied and feminine build of Mandy Rojo and the muscle, bone, and pedigree of CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux 1/7 should make a good combination.


CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux was the 2019 & 2020 Reserve International Champion Red Bull.  Not only was this phenotypically superior bull a winner but is backed by some of the breed’s most popular and proven genetics resulting from crossing the National Champion and global icon +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso with the two-time International Champion, two-time National Champion, two-time ABBA Show Cow of the Year, and the #1 Register of Renown Cow, +CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9.  As might be expected 1/7 is a superior sire with the 2022 & 2023 National Champion Red Female to his credit.  Based on his show ring accolades, pedigree, and proven siring ability it should be expected that CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux 1/7 will be an influential bull for years to come making this a special opportunity!

Selling a package of three (3) female sexed embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician.  If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given.


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Sire of Embryos
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Daughter of Mandy Rojo who was Premier Cow of Florida
Daughter of Mandy Rojo who was Premier Cow of Florida

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