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Lot 17 - WEW Miss Watkins 415 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
3 years 42 weeks 1 day 12 hours 22 min ago
Lot Information:
WEW Miss Watkins 415
Sire: JDH Sir Isaac Manso 774/6
Dam: WEW Miss Watkins 386
Watkins Brahmans

WEW Miss Watkins 415 is a moderate, complete, and well balanced female.  She is a daughter of JDH Sir Isaac Manso 774/6 who is a grandson of two of the most popular and proven sires in the breed +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso and (+)JDH Atlas Manso 328/3 and then out of a Maternal Merit Cow.  The dam to 415 is the result of crossing some of the most productive and maternally oriented genetics in the breed from Underwood Ranch and Windy Hills Ranch.  As a result of her superior genetics 415 ranks in the top 20% of the breed for Growth and 30% for Milk.  If you are looking for a good solid female that is backed by some of the most productive genetics in the breed then this is the one to consider.

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