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Lot 17- Mr. V8 620/6 Semen

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 6 days 14 hours 45 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 620/6
+JDH Sir Avery Manso
+JDH Marri Holly Manso 50/6
BW:4.3 WW:27.3 YW:41.7 M:8.7

Purchase Price = 5 time Final Bid Price

An extremely rare opportunity to purchase Avery genetics, which are in extremely limited availability. As most Brahman breeders know, one of our top female producing herd sires, +JDH Sir Avery Manso passed away in 2011. At that time, we identified Mr. V8 620/6 as the leading Avery son in which we would focus on to continue this line of cattle. 620/6 also passed away in 2012, shortly after his first breeding season. Fortunately we had collected 620/6 immediately after he completed his show career and this initial frozen semen inventory is all that remains of this legendary line of cattle that we are allowed to sell semen on.  As with all of the semen in our sale, this will be the only public offering of semen on Mr. V8 620/6 in the United States in 2012. As you reflect back on the show seasons from 2009 to 2001, 620 is a bull that stands out in many minds. 620 won numerous class and division championships and he and his full sister, Miss V8 954/6, were virtually unbeatable in the ET Produce of Dam class. His full sister was the 2009 International Champion Female and 2010 Show Heifer of the Year.  620’s dam is the former National Champion Female, +JDH Marri Holly Manso 50/6 who was purchased from J.D. Hudgins by Watson Land & Cattle. 620 is a bull who is extremely long bodied, strong topped, and one that we expect to produce great females just like his sire. Due to the limited nature of this semen we are only offering 5 units and are not offering the option to double the money for 10 units.


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