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Lot 17 - Mr. BER 353

High bid
9 years 16 weeks 6 days 11 hours 8 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. BER 353
Mr. V8 670/6
Miss BER Princess 277
BW: 2.3 WW: 17.1 YW: 27.7 M: 4.2 MBW:-.2 HCW:12.1 Fat:.02 REA:.04 Marb:0 % RP:.1 Tend:.05 Doc.:-.2
Bull's Eye Ranch

Mr. BER 353 is a son of Mr. V8 670/5 who is known for producing low birth weight, heavy weaning, stout boned, heavy muscled calves; the type of cattle every cattleman wants in his pasture. The dam is Miss BER 277 who was the Reserve Grand Champion at the San Antonio Open Show as a calf. 277 was out of Miss BER 218 which was the 2008 show cow of the year. This bull will be the biggest and heaviest bull in this sale and will give you some heavy muscled calves with tremendous bone as his phenotype and pedigree would indicate.

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