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Lot 17 - Lady +S Lexis Manso 686 - IVF Aspiration

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 18 hours 23 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady +S Lexis Manso 686 - IVF Aspiration
JME Mr Suvacrat 225 (Polled)
Lady H Lisa 947

Again, let us emphasize, we are offering some of the BEST we have and the BEST in the BREED!
Here’s a young donor with a Storied ancestry.
Sired by the Polled 225 bull from the Candler family in Florida, we are honoring our commitment to the polled influence in our program.
Her mother is the Great Lisa cow, 947, that was the 2010 Houston International Grand Champion. Lisa is Argueably the Best Maddox daughter in the world and perhaps still one of the best looking ‘Ole Girls in any Brahman pasture. We aren’t the only ones that think so. Ask Clayton Bridges and Alan Thomas among others.
The 947 cow is also the mother of our young Kahleesi 171/8 heifer, raised by our dear friends George and Cecile Stiles of Magic Ranch in Huntsville. Leesi, as we call her, has been unbeaten in the April heifer class and almost unstoppable in the calf division so far.
PCC guarantees 6 transferable embryos production.

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Dam - Lady H Lisa 947
Dam - Lady H Lisa 947
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Daughter - Kahleesi 171/8
Daughter - Kahleesi 171/8

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