JDH Lady Manso 375/1 is one of the most performance oriented females in this sale ranking in the top 9% of the breed for the economically relevant traits of WW, YW & Milk! As you might expect from her performance profile her pedigree consists of some of the maternal giants of the breed. Her sire, JDH Mr. Manso 423, as you have seen in this sale is siring offspring that are functionally built with outstanding performance. In addition to the superior sire side of her pedigree 375/1’s dam side combines one of the most performance oriented sires in the breed, JDH Mr. Manso 232/2, with a consistent calving dam that is sired by the many time champion and proven sire +JDH Mr. Manso 854/4. JDH Mr. Manso 232/2 is a son of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Mr. Manso 449/1 and the foundation donor that has produced 56 progeny including (+)JDH Atlas Manso and 3 Register of Renown offspring. Our ranch division has long been known as producing some of the most maternal bloodlines in the Brahman breed. This growthy and ultra-feminine female incorporates these proven genetics and should carry on these valuable traits and inject them into future generations.