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Lot 17 - Churchill Toro 507C ET x 0125X - 3 Sexed Heifer IVF Embryos - NHW Donation

High bid
7 years 49 weeks 5 days 9 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
Churchill Toro 507C ET x 0125X - 3 Sexed Heifer IVF Embryos
Churchill Toro 507C ET
EPDS: BW: 2.4 WW: 59 YW: 93 M: 28 M&G: 58 REA: 0.68 MARB: 0.16

Selling - 3 Sexed Heifer IVF Embryos

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

100% of the proceeds from the sale of this lot will go to the National Hereford Women Lot 17 Fundraiser. The NHW is an organization that does great work for the Hereford Breed and its Youth. One thing that we know is that if we take care of our Youth; we will go far.

These Toro embryos combine two of the best cow families at Churchill. The first Toro calves on the ground have us very excited about his future. Buy a great set of Embryos for a Great Cause here.

Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy per package of embryos if implanted by a certified technician using the Sexing Technologies procedure.

Other Lot Images
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Churchill Toro 507C - Sire of Embryos

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