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Lot 17 - A&A Black Scepter K110 - 10 Units of Semen

High bid
8 years 22 weeks 3 days 10 hours 46 min ago
Lot Information:
A&A Black Scepter K110
WAR Grade & Yield
A&A Black Tiara H102
BW: 4.7 WW: 63 YW: 84 M: 13

Final Price is 10 x Bid Price

Selling 10 units of A&A Black Scepter (deceased), the legendary herd sire that put Freasier Ranch on the map.    He produced champion bulls like BCC Mr. Majestic and LHH Maximus, and SALE grand champion Simbrah Steer and numerous champion females including LHH Butterfly who won the San Antonio Scholarship for Vanessa Hinojosa.  In fact, his grand dam and dam also won the San Antonio scholarship! Look at Lot ?? (D601) and you will see what a typical Black Scepter calf looks like. This bull was way ahead of his time and he is still producing flashy and contemporary calves today. 


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