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Lot 17 - 3LSR Miss Macho

High bid
10 years 43 weeks 2 days 14 hours 3 min ago
Lot Information:
3LSR Miss Macho
3C Macho M450 BZ
3LSR Mika
CE:2,BW:4,WW:60,YW:82, MCE:10,MM:26,MWW:57,API:93,TI:62

Miss Macho's dam is 3LSR Mika, a 10 year old Nichols Legacy G151 daughter.

Mika is the only cow that Langford's Simmentals has ever owned that has settled on the first

AI every year of her reproductive life. Fertility is an inherited trait. Brad Stroud at Stroud Veterinary

and Embryo Services in Weatherford, TX, says that she has a reproductive tract that is near perfect.

To date her daughters are following in her foot steps. Last year we sold 3LSR Miss Joker, a Mika daughter,

in the East Texas sale. Miss Joker settles on her first AI as a heifer. She was brought back to us to breed

and she settled on the first AI service this year. Miss Macho is proving to be an easy keeper.

She has been developed on pasture and a 10% protein, 30% roughage ration. She will not fall apart on straight pasture.

As you can see in the video, she is clean fronted and has lots of volume, muscle and a very big hip.

The "Buy It Now" option gets you:

1. Free delivery as far as 350 miles one way, 700 miles round trip. 

2. If you purchase insurance on the animal, I will hold her over and do one AI service on her the first week of July,

using any calving ease sire in my tanks. Call me for available sires. 214-801-2966 or email:


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